Cub@: Environment and Development is a journal of the Environment Agency dedicated to the dissemination of scientific-informative articles carried out mainly by specialists and researchers from the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment and other institutions and organizations related to this topic. The published works are related to studies on the natural and socioeconomic components of influence on environmental processes (climate, soil, vegetation, settlements, agriculture, among others); biological Diversity; comprehensive environmental diagnoses; evaluations on the potential and management of resources (marine, coastal, human, among others); quality and environmental sanitation problems (overexploitation of the environment, pollution, desertification, unhealthiness, poverty); conservation and protection of the environment; vulnerability and risks to disasters; environmental management; environmental education; environmental impact evaluation; environmental policy; environmental planning and management; protected areas; environmental law; Clean technologies; environmental legislation; computing and other technological applications for environmental analysis; sustainable development strategies and environment, development and integration. (ISSN: 1683-8904)

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El Identificador Digital Cubano (Cu-ID) es un proyecto encargado de crear y asignar Identificadores Digitales Permanentes a artículos de revistas científicas y otros recursos. Es el primer identificador concebido con este propósito, y por tanto, permite al igual que el Digital Object Identifier (DOI), redirigir y preservar la dirección final del documento en cualquier momento histórico. Su home puede ser consultado en:

CMAD incorpora los códigos QR como identificadores permanentes


Estimados autores que publican en la Cub@: Medio Ambiente y Desarrollo,

En la última década los diferentes sistemas de publicación han insistido en la necesidad de dotar a los documentos publicados en las revistas científicas de identificadores permanentes que permitan acceder a los metadatos de sus publicaciones, y recuperar el contenido. La revista Cub@: Medio Ambiente y Desarrollo ha decidido adoptar los códigos QR dinámicos como identificadores permanentes para sus documentos.

Vol 24 (2024): enero-diciembre

Published: 2024-01-30

Ability to integrate environmental education as social transformation

Mercedes Lina Wong Torres, Manuela Fidelina Toste Lau, Linnett de la Rosa Rodríguez, Franciss Brown Smith, Caridad Pérez García (Author)

Yield evaluation of Capsicum chinense (jacq.) in Chiapas, through different inorganic fertilization strategies

Roberto Ramírez Ramírez, Maria Yesenia Ruíz Aguilar, Henry López López, Adela Nazareth García Sánchez, Gilberth Fresh López López (Author)

Morphodynamic behavior of the Eastern Beaches, during Hurricane Irma

Lourdes Rivas Rodríguez, Yisset Caridad Rabeiro Rodríguez, Adrián Niévares Pérez, Solvieg Rodríguez Troche, Teresita May-Li z García Sánche, Yesenia Ibáñez Carbonell (Author)

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