Aeromonas sp.: emergent pathogens to considerate in waters

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María Isabel González González
Teresa Torres Rojas
Sergio Chiroles Rubalcaba
Magaly Valdés Águila
Isaida Domínguez Martínez


The habitat of the species of Aeromonas is the freshwater ecosystems and in the last years, they have been reported as etiologic agents in intestinal infections and extraintestinal infections. Water samples (855) were evaluated with the incorporation of bile salts brilliant green starch agar (BBGS) according to Nishikawa and Kishi, with the isolation and identification of 1 410 strains of Aeromonas of these samples and 662 strains received by the surveillance system of Vibrio cholerae in waters. In this work, 429 positive samples were reported (50.2%) to the genus in the different sources of waters analyzed with the biggest isolations to groundwater (85.2%) and superficial water (83.3%), followed by residual waters (69.2%) and smaller, in coastal waters and saline water (34.0% and 15.2%, respectively). Seven positive samples were obtained of the water distribution system with absence of total and faecal coliforms and presence of appropriate residual chlorine. In the processed samples, the predominant species were A. hydrophila (38.8%), followed by A. veronii biovar sobria (34.8%) and A. caviae (24.5%), while in the received strains of provinces, A. caviae prevailed (56.8%), followed by A. hydrophila (30.7%) and A. veronii biovar sobria (11.9%), species reported as enteropathogens

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González GonzálezM. I., Torres RojasT., Chiroles RubalcabaS., Valdés ÁguilaM., & Domínguez MartínezI. (2004). Aeromonas sp.: emergent pathogens to considerate in waters. Cub@: Medio Ambiente Y Desarrollo, 4(6). Retrieved from
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