System of activities for environmental education in primary school students

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Daysi Sánchez Riesgo
Gloria María Jaime Mirabal
Armando Gil Pérez
Gloria Esther Álvarez Morales
Héctor Caridad Robaina Gil


In the educational objectives of the primary school is that the students demonstrate a correct attitude towards the environment, however in the schools of the municipality it has been verified that the students do not always contribute adequately to the care, protection and conservation of the environment. The objective is: to propose a system of activities that contributes to environmental education in the students of primary education in the Los Palacios municipality, so as to promote environmental awareness. It contains eleven activities, divided into two subsystems, one related to the acquisition of knowledge about the environment and environmental problems and the other at the attitudinal level. In obtaining the results, different investigative tasks and research methods were carried out that allowed a careful systematization of the theoretical background that supports it. It was validated in a sample of 250 students, helping to raise the level of knowledge and attitudes in relation to caring for the environment.

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How to Cite
Sánchez RiesgoD., Jaime MirabalG. M., Gil PérezA., Álvarez MoralesG. E., & Robaina GilH. C. (2022). System of activities for environmental education in primary school students. Cub@: Medio Ambiente Y Desarrollo, 22(42). Retrieved from
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