Learning games to promote the use of (s, c, x, z)

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Elsa Salazar Machado
Rudisnel Macías Corrales
Ismari Iglesia Pérez


The proper application of spelling rules is essential for the development and enrichment of our language. The research is to solve the following problem: how to promote the correct use of graphemes (s, c, x, z), through the technical vocabulary of the subject Ecology and Society in the fifth-year career Sociocultural Studies? General objective is: to offer educational games to promote the correct use of graphemes (s, c, x, z), through the technical vocabulary of the subject Ecology and Society in the fifth-year career Sociocultural studies. We used theoretical and empirical methods allowed the philosophical foundation, pedagogical and epistemological theoretical model. The proposal made from the three levels of cognitive performance favoured the development of spelling skills for successful applications of graphemes are investigated. The study is a scientific and brought new theoretical contribution, practical and educational, allowing teachers in their preparation classes methodological and didactic games introduced for solving the existing problems and after the application was demonstrated progress spelling the students.

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How to Cite
Salazar MachadoE., Macías CorralesR., & Iglesia PérezI. (2020). Learning games to promote the use of (s, c, x, z). Cub@: Medio Ambiente Y Desarrollo, 12(22). Retrieved from https://cmad.ama.cu/index.php/cmad/article/view/176
Original Article


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