Cleaner Production Impacts in the Management System of the Cuban citrus sector

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Leticia Prevez
Graciella Bango de Varona
Rodolfo Delgado


This work shows the economic, environmental and social impacts obtained by the introduction of PML in the Corporate Environmental Management System in citrus processing plants in the country. From the assessment to 4 industries and the development of an environmental policy aimed at the introduction of the PML as a holistic strategy to processes to reduce production costs and minimize environmental impacts achieved an economic savings of some 750 000 CUC by concept of reducing the volume of water, auxiliary materials, consumption of fuel and electricity achieving greater productivity and yields. From the environmental point of view three of these industries currently meet the parameters established for the dumping of waste in the receiving body and the most critical case there was a 50% reduction of pollution load. It was shown that the implementation of identified options help create a solid foundation for choosing the National Environmental Award. From the social point of view this strategy has allowed raising the cultural level by the participation of technical and managerial staff to seminars, workshops and events on PML and takes effect on the stimulation of employees and reducing risks.  Through the multiplier effect has increased the exchange of experiences and know-how among technicians. We recommend applying this strategy to other industrial sectors prioritized in the country for the benefits of implementation for sustainable development of society.

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How to Cite
Prevez L., Bango de Varona G., & Delgado R. (2020). Cleaner Production Impacts in the Management System of the Cuban citrus sector. Cub@: Medio Ambiente Y Desarrollo, 5(9). Retrieved from
Original Article


Reporte introducción del concepto de PML en las políticas y prácticas vigentes en el país./2003. Desarrollo de Políticas de Producción Más Limpia.

Curso de Entrenamiento para los Centros Nacionales de Producción Más Limpia. Programa de CNP+L de la ONUDI /2003.

3. Plan Nacional para la Introducción de PML en la Gestión ambiental Empresarial /2004.