Science Popularization on the coastal zone of Cuba

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Guillermo García Montero
Argelia Fernández Márquez


There sources that the coastal zone offers us are immense and diverse, from physical to those of a more spiritual nature, hence the need to achieve the adequate and sustainable use of this important resource that privileges Cuba. This paper analyzes how necessary it is for society to acquire greater knowledge about what the coastal zone is, the important role that science, education and communication have for its proper management, so that the actions that we can, and we must perform. To do this, scientists must be able to make their results understandable and applied in the shortest possible time in social practice. Thus, it is necessary to bring science closer to the general public, that is, to achieve the popularization of science, which is nothing more than the establishment of a dialogue between science and society. The series "Let's Know the Sea" produced by the National Aquarium of Cuba is presented as examples, which are outputs of the investigations carried out at the institution. It is concluded that it is very necessary for scientists and specialists to disseminate more the results of research on the coastal area, precisely because we live in an archipelago where this natural resource represents a vital contribution to the economy, so its care and protection are essential.

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How to Cite
García Montero G., & Fernández MárquezA. (1). Science Popularization on the coastal zone of Cuba. Cub@: Medio Ambiente Y Desarrollo, 20(38). Retrieved from
Original Article


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