Knowledge management for climate change adaptation. Experiences of the BASAL Project

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Argelia Fernández Márquez


Given its insular condition, Cuba is very vulnerable to climate change effects. Consequently, adaptation is a priority for the Government at all levels. Faced with this reality and scenarios, it is necessary to reduce climate change-related vulnerabilities. An important contribution has been achieved through the project Environmental Bases for Local Food Sustainability (BASAL), implemented by the Environment Agency of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment, the Ministry of Agriculture and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), and financed by the European Union and the Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC). This project that has been implemented since 2013 in three municipalities (Los Palacios, Güira de Melena and Jimaguayú), includes among its objectives to extend its results to 33 municipalities, in 6 provinces of the country. This paper addresses the strategy outlined by the project for the replication and dissemination of knowledge, good practices and lessons learned, highlighting the need to publicize scientific results as quickly as possible, in a way that are understandable and applicable by the producers. Specific communication and visibility actions are proposed to improve information flow. Concrete actions are evaluated to improve information products and services and to establish a knowledge network on this topic. It is emphasized how the contribution of the results of an international project to national policies will help guarantee the sustainability of built capacities.

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How to Cite
Fernández Márquez A. (1). Knowledge management for climate change adaptation. Experiences of the BASAL Project. Cub@: Medio Ambiente Y Desarrollo, 20(38). Retrieved from
Original Article


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