Comments on two historical reports of meteorites in Havana, Cuba: Terrestrial or extraterrestrial rocks?

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Yasmani Ceballos-Izquierdo


This paper examines two historical cases of fragments attributed to meteorites that allegedly fell in Cuba: the first reported on May 10, 1886, in Charcas, San José de las Lajas, and the second concerning an “aerolitic mass” documented in 1902 in Havana. Based on local testimonies, preliminary observations, and a review of chemical analyses conducted in 1902, the study evaluates the reasons why these fragments might not be meteorites. Characteristics such as rapid disintegration upon contact with water, burns caused when handling the fragments, and their mineral composition identified in the analyses strongly suggest a terrestrial origin.

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Ceballos-Izquierdo Y. (2025). Comments on two historical reports of meteorites in Havana, Cuba: Terrestrial or extraterrestrial rocks?. Cub@: Medio Ambiente Y Desarrollo, 25, Retrieved from
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