Resilience of cattle farming systems to the impacts of climate in Camagüey

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Madelin Cruz Cruz


This study was conducted to evaluate the resilience of cattle farming systems to climate change in the municipality of Camagüey. Nine production units were selected for the evaluation (4 Credit and Service Cooperative “CCS”, 4 Basic Units of Cooperative Production “UBPC”, and 1 Agricultural Production Cooperative “CPA”). The methodology involved the identification, diagnosis, and indexing of agricultural systems' resilience to extreme climate events. To determine the level of vulnerability, physical variables (i.e. landscape diversity, slope, soil compaction, erosion vulnerability, biodiversity conservation, water resource management, and food autonomy) were considered; values ranging from 1 to 5 were assigned, with the value of 1 indicating maximum vulnerability on this scale. The response capacity was assessed based on the cultural practices applied, soil conservation, self- consumption, self- sufficiency, autonomy, seed banks, feed management, using the same scale from 1 to 5, the value of 5 represents the highest response capacity. All production units studied presented low resilience, high vulnerability and low response capacity, with values between 1 and 3 all case

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Cruz CruzM. (2024). Resilience of cattle farming systems to the impacts of climate in Camagüey. Cub@: Medio Ambiente Y Desarrollo, 24, Retrieved from
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