Characterization of the biodiversity of ants and coleoptera in productive mountain agroecosystems
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One of the promising trends for dealing with the management and conservation of natural resources, and especially biological diversity, is undoubtedly the establishment and development of agroecological and sustainable production systems, such as traditional mountain agroecosystems. The work was carried out in the period from January 2016 to October 2018, in important areas of interest for the conservation of biodiversity in the Nipe-Sagua-Baracoa mountain massif, and aimed to characterize the biodiversity of ants and coleoptera in 15 productive areas belonging to 7 Credit and Service Cooperatives (CCS), 1 EJT Integral Farm and 1 Integral Forest Estate of the Yateras, Manuel Tames and Baracoa municipalities of the Guantánamo province and Sagua de Tánamo of the Holguín province. The most abundant species in the four agroecosystems in the case of ants was Atta insularis Guérin-Méneville (bibijagua) and the coleoptera Stenodontes chevrolati Gahan
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