The natural limits as key elements in sustainable agricultural systems

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D. I García Céspedes
L Ruíz Gutiérrez
A Lima Cazorla


The human being from early has used the environment to meet their basic needs, however this influence is perceptible from the second half of the twentieth century due to population growth and high levels of production and consumption that impacted irreversibly in this medium, so that endangered the existence of the human species on the planet. The sustainability of agricultural systems refers to the ability of the system to maintain productivity in spite of economic and natural, external or internal disturbances, is based on the natural characteristics of the system and the pressures and interventions that suffer and those interventions social, economic and techniques meant to counter negative pressures. The sustainability analysis is necessary to identify and evaluate the elements that may influence the imbalance of the natural environment and the interaction of this with the social and economic dimensions to achieve an appropriate balance in agricultural systems.

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García CéspedesD. I., Ruíz GutiérrezL., & Lima CazorlaA. (2020). The natural limits as key elements in sustainable agricultural systems. Cub@: Medio Ambiente Y Desarrollo, 14(26). Retrieved from
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