The improvement of Environmental Education in the National Education System as a public policy in Cuba

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Ismael Santos Abreu
Norma D. Laportilla Estévez
Lídice Castro Serrano


It includes a synthetic analysis of the expression of the environmental dimension in the curriculum by the different subsystems of the National Education System (SNE), from the analysis of the model, the objectives, the contents, the textbooks and the existing orientations, to reach the regularities of the diagnosis of the environmental content of the acting curriculum in the Cuban school, and to determine the potential of the curriculum to address contemporary environmental problems, as part of the Environmental Education for Sustainable Development (EA p DS), an essential task of the improvement of the SNE. The Guiding Ideas are established as starting criteria for the improvement of all SNE subsystems, as a result of a process of systematization of the main lines that allow the EA to be redirected to the DS as an organic part of the public policies of the Cuban State, expressed in the processes established by the SNE and the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment of Cuba, as well as the UN-oriented, UNESCO, CITMA and above all the educational practice of teachers of different levels of education of the SNE, as well as research carried out by the Cuban teachers, expressed in thesis of master's and doctorates. This is therefore progress in introducing the scientific results for the MINED and MES teachings, expressed in the documents in preparation for these teachings.

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How to Cite
Santos Abreu I., Laportilla Estévez N. D., & Castro Serrano L. (1). The improvement of Environmental Education in the National Education System as a public policy in Cuba. Cub@: Medio Ambiente Y Desarrollo, 20(38). Retrieved from
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