The Environmental Dimension in the management process
Main Article Content
The introduction of the environmental dimension in the management process is critical to that plan, organize, develop and monitor the activities that have to do with the protection and care of the environment and the systematic evaluation of the management bodies and technical meetings workers so that they can be educational processes from the implementation of an Environmental Education Programme and other actions of self-diagnosis and monitoring of the environmental problems of the company and the surrounding community to contribute to its improvement or solution. This approach allows work to respond to one of the environmental problems were reported more frequently by specialists in the field, and to which are directed great efforts to transform; insufficient environmental education of the people, manifested in management structures of companies and other factors involved for lack of knowledge and integrity to discuss problems in instalments, without considering all factors acting and the responsibility of everyone in the transformations. The research work provides methodological aspects of how to introduce the environmental dimension through the development of a training program on environmental issues, which has objectives, contents, methods, schedule, methodological guidelines, and a number of consultation documents on content and methodological steps that are necessary to implement the program to managers, employees and community people.
Article Details
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