Contribution of the Cuban rural homegardens to the environmental sustainability

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Rosa Rosa Orellana Gallego
Leonor Castiñeiras
Zoila Fundora


39 homegardens were selected in mountainous areas of West, Center and East of Cuba, and was carried out direct surveys on the diversity of species and the traditional techniques for farmers used for the handling of their homegardens. The study reflected the sustentability character, justness and balance in the use of the natural resources of these productive systems. It was meditated on the agroecological requirements that intuitively are completed by the farmers to guarantee the stability of their homegardens in the time. The whole article is a valuation of the environmental dimension of the sostenibility of the rural Cuban, expressed homegardens this as a given focus its systemic carácter.

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How to Cite
Rosa Orellana GallegoR., CastiñeirasL., & FundoraZ. (2020). Contribution of the Cuban rural homegardens to the environmental sustainability. Cub@: Medio Ambiente Y Desarrollo, 6(11). Retrieved from
Original Article


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