Current situation of lixiviates production from the provincial wastes land fields in Havana City. Environmental impacts and waste water plants

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Yusely González Rodríguez
Odalys García Fonseca
Aymara Infante Sigler


The leachate generated in landfills are highly polluting. High levels of toxic substances and their composition varies with age. As a result, pose a serious environmental danger of contamination of surface water and groundwater, if not treated properly. Numerous combinations have been used for leachate treatment, with varying degrees of success. Taking into account the peculiarities typical of provincial landfills Havana, a study was conducted to characterize the physical and chemical composition of leachate generated in them and made several proposals for leachate treatment combinations, with systems aerobic and anaerobic.  These recommendations will, with specific studies for each site, develop a strategy for treatment of landfill leachate for both existing and the new that will open in the future.

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González Rodríguez Y., García FonsecaO., & Aymara Infante Sigler. (2020). Current situation of lixiviates production from the provincial wastes land fields in Havana City. Environmental impacts and waste water plants . Cub@: Medio Ambiente Y Desarrollo, 5(9). Retrieved from
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