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Leonel Caraballo Maqueira


The concerns for the environmental problems have overflowed the academic, scientific world or of the population's certain sector to be constituted in a topic of interest of more and more social actors. In these reflections they have not been absent the meditations on the concept of Cleaner Production (P+L). The environmental impact is the essential element when qualifying an action inside the concept of P+L and it demands from specialists and technicians the incorporation of the environmental dimension in its work, with all that means it of knowledge and domain of the concepts and principles of the environmental administration. When studying the Cuban Environmental Right, it is evident the presence in their legislation, of dispositions that contribute to diminish the polluting load in function of reducing the risks to the human life and the environment, without he/she necessarily makes expressed allusion to the P+L. The holism necessarily takes us to the synergy. The understanding of the environmental holism for the technicians, specialists and policy-makers is a decisive factor for the execution of the objectives that intends any artificial norm or environmental strategy. In the case that occupies us, the P+L, the holistic vision of the environmental legislation, is the possibility to use the environmental legislation in function of the execution of the objectives that we pursue. We cannot seek that the solution to the problems environmental pass inexorably for the existence of norms juridical matters, we should direct our attention in the construction of interrelations among those promulgated that reflect the dynamics in that he/she takes place the life and to identify the legislative holes on which the law should be pronounced. It guides her legal that offer us so much the Law 81 as the Resolution 77 of 1999 of CITMA, to work in function of the P+L, in the productive sectors and of services it is not enough. The achievement of a bigger instrumentation in the national environmental legislation, of the Cleanest Productions is a complex, but possible work.

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How to Cite
Caraballo Maqueira L. (2020). THE CONCEPTION’S OF CLEANER PRODUCTION PRESENCE IN THE CUBAN ENVIRONMENTAL LEGISLATION. Cub@: Medio Ambiente Y Desarrollo, 5(8). Retrieved from


Declaración Internacional de Producción Limpia.

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Resolución No. 77 .Reglamento del Proceso de Evaluación de Impacto Ambiental. La Habana: Gaceta Oficial de la República de Cuba. (jul. 28. 1999)

Resolución 130. "Reglamento para la Inspección Ambiental Estatal". La Habana: Gaceta Oficial de la República de Cuba . (jun 1. 1995)

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