Analysis and Evaluation of Drought in the River Basin of the Cauto

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. Ismarys C. Izaguirre Alfonso


The river basin of the Cauto, due to their geographical physical characteristics, with different landscapes that go accompanied by a complex rain regimen and variable in their space distribution and time, make it prone to the risk of drought. This work has as objective to analyze and to evaluate the drought, using indexes that have as main variable, the rain, which allow to identify and to describe the phenomenon meetly specifying its beginning, duration, severity, extension and frequency in the river basin. Through the identification results and analysis of the indexes, the drought is evaluated and known the situation of drought in the basin of the studied river, to establish specified measures that allow a better handling of the resources of the water and to mitigate the negative effects of the drought reducing and risk the degradation of the environment.

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Izaguirre Alfonso. I. C. (2003). Analysis and Evaluation of Drought in the River Basin of the Cauto. Cub@: Medio Ambiente Y Desarrollo, 3(5). Retrieved from
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