The water: Source of warlike conflicts

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L.F Molerio León


The reduction of the quantity and quality of the world´s fresh water resources will become the dominating problem of environment and development in the XXIst century. As water is useful only when it is available at the desired place, the right moment, with enough quantity and adequate quality, it has been, since ever, a source of power and therefore, of social conflict. This paper summarizes the main causes that produce water – caused conflict scenarios, with a special emphasis in the Middle East.

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How to Cite
Molerio León L. (2003). The water: Source of warlike conflicts. Cub@: Medio Ambiente Y Desarrollo, 3(4). Retrieved from
Original Article


PNUMA (2000): Perspectivas del Medio Ambiente Mundial. GEO – 2000. Edic. Mundi-Prensa, Madrid, 398 pp.

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