Definition and identification of hydroenvironmental indicators

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L.F Molerio León


Methods for the assessment of all possible impacts of the hydraulic projects still in development. Problems concerning the analysis, interpretation and presentation are truly complex when a project has to be evaluated for the satisfaction of various goals and meets numerous impacts. Commonly, factors involved are mainly related with the national economic development, the environmental quality and the social impact.

This paper discusses the concept of indicator for acuatic environment and presents the structure of two matrixes for environmental impact assessment on the regime and quality of ground waters. These matrixes intends to asses qualitatively the favourable or undesired effects of human actions on aquifers. The paper is a synthesis of the chapters Environmental Indicators and Environmental Assessment of Groundwater Impacts, of the Postgraduate Itinerant Course on Aquifer Protection and of the Postgraduate Course on Ecohydrology, respectively, lectured by the Group of Terrestrial Waters of the Institute of Geophysics and Astronomy.

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Molerio León L. (2003). Definition and identification of hydroenvironmental indicators. Cub@: Medio Ambiente Y Desarrollo, 3(4). Retrieved from
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