Visualization of rural women in the use of agricultural biodiversity in Guantánamo

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Mireidy Ramirez Trimiño
Miriam Crump Parris
Marisol Lafargue Savón


The research was developed with the purpose of visualizing the role of rural women in the use of agricultural biodiversity in the community of Guayacán in the municipality of El Salvador in the province of Guantánamo, Cuba. The Action-Participation Research was used, which was articulated with the theoretical and methodological conception of popular education. The important role played by rural women in the use and conservation of agricultural biodiversity was visualized in the community of Guayacán. In exchange with the women of Guayacán, they referred to the importance of strengthening their capacities through the knowledge of new techniques for empowerment from the agricultural activities they carry out, they consider economic autonomy and decision-making to be very valuable. The direct impact of these women on productive and economic activities in the context of the cooperative and the community was revealed. In addition, the gaps related to the gender approach were identified and activities were designed that can contribute to strengthening participation from the local level.

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How to Cite
Ramirez TrimiñoM., Crump ParrisM., & Lafargue SavónM. (2024). Visualization of rural women in the use of agricultural biodiversity in Guantánamo. Cub@: Medio Ambiente Y Desarrollo, 24, Retrieved from
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