Integration of environmental management in tax collection: strategies from organizational management

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Miguel Ángel Jaime Baque
Yerenin Melina Pincay Toala


The present study was carried out in the Decentralized Autonomous Government of Jipijapa, its objective is to analyze the integration of environmental management in tax collection, for which the strategies are analyzed from organizational management. The descriptive and correlational research used surveys of 59 workers and an interview with a manager to examine the reality of the process in the canton. The results revealed areas of opportunity to optimize organizational management, including the standardization of processes, transparency in collection procedures and staff training. The commitment of the staff and willingness of the taxpayers is evident; the lack of clear and timely information could affect compensation and, therefore, the financing of projects and public services. The analysis of the relationship between organizational management and tax collection showed the needs to adopt strategies from organizational management to promote environmental sustainability and generate financial resources for environmental protection. The success of the integration referred to calls for continuing to work on the integration of tax management systems and improving processes and procedures to increase efficiency and effectiveness in collection. In conclusion, this study allowed us to identify areas for improvement in the organizational management of the tax collection process in the GAD of Jipijapa. By addressing these problems and strengthening the identified areas, organizational management can be optimized and, consequently, improve the effectiveness of tax collection.

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How to Cite
Jaime BaqueM. Ángel, & Pincay ToalaY. M. (2024). Integration of environmental management in tax collection: strategies from organizational management. Cub@: Medio Ambiente Y Desarrollo, 24, Retrieved from
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