Environmental management from the perspective of strategic planning focused on rural tourism in Jipijapa Ecuador

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Gina Ximena Campozano Chiquito
Ninive Victoria Plua Parrales
Shirtley Marianela San Lucas Marcillo


Progress, the advanced stage of the crisis or the remodeling of the agricultural industry are determining factors in the alignment of the dominant rural tourism product in a given region. For this reason, the present work has the objective of evaluating the strategic planning that is carried out to contribute to environmental management focused on rural tourism in the Jipijapa canton, Manabí province, Ecuador. For this, a situational analysis was carried out taking into account the process of planning and monitoring of environmental policies, in order to obtain sustainable rural tourism for local development, in addition, resources with natural and cultural tourism potential were identified. A survey was applied to a representative sample of 136 representatives of rural tourism enterprises in the canton of Jipijapa, to clarify the successes and failures regarding the management of strategic planning to establish environmental management models focused on rural tourism. The results obtained show that rural tourism in Ecuador has significant importance because it contributes to the economic development of the country, considering two basic macroeconomic indicators, the Gross Domestic Product and the generation of employment. Emphasis is placed on the development of a comprehensive environmental management plan, to apply and introduce management measures for solid waste, water, atmospheric emissions, noise and wastewater in rural tourism.

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How to Cite
Campozano ChiquitoG. X., Plua Parrales N. V., & San Lucas Marcillo S. M. (2023). Environmental management from the perspective of strategic planning focused on rural tourism in Jipijapa Ecuador. Cub@: Medio Ambiente Y Desarrollo, 23. Retrieved from https://cmad.ama.cu/index.php/cmad/article/view/353
Original Article


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