Tool for information management in Cuba's protected areas: a current social need

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Adrián Quintana Hernández


The constant advancement of technologies has allowed people to interact with computers to the point of incorporating computer tools into daily tasks. In this sense, for software development, there are many current trends and technologies designed to facilitate work at all stages of the project life cycle until it becomes a quality product, which is reflected in better customer service. user. The National Center for Protected Areas (CNAP) as a comprehensive management center, processes a considerable volume of information that is managed from protected areas. A bibliographical review was carried out on how a web information management system could favor labor efficiency and at the same time solve the identified social problems. It was possible to verify that the development of the web application allows to offer a distributed administration of the information to the actors with responsibilities and, at the same time, offer it to the general public for consultation. The implementation of a web system for information management would provide answers to current social and technological needs, thus achieving tangible and intangible benefits. Web systems are divided into subsystems. One of them is social (including people, information, processes and documents) and the other is automated (composed of machines, communication networks and computers).

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How to Cite
Quintana Hernández A. (2023). Tool for information management in Cuba’s protected areas: a current social need. Cub@: Medio Ambiente Y Desarrollo, 23. Retrieved from
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