Forest fire: Humboldt National Park, role of highly combustible plants and fire propagators

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Gerardo Begué-Quiala
Daljanis González Rivera
Ramón Romero Romero
Oscar Maury Russo


This work was carried out in Ojito de Agua, Alejandro de Humboldt National Park (PNAH), during the control and extinction process of the large-scale fire of April 2021. The objectives of the research were aimed at evaluating the role of fire-propagating and high-combustibility plants and defining the lessons learned to strengthen prophylaxis related to forest fires. The methodology established for fighting and extinguishing forest fires, the mobilization of specialized forces, extinction technologies, construction of control lines and the counterfire method were used. In the results, 13 species of fire propagating plants were determined and classified.The forest species that were the most affected by the fire was the Baracoa pine (Pinus cubensis Griseb.) with about 1,654,015 trees burned, 24.4% of the population. Only 238.95 ha of forest were completely burned.

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How to Cite
Begué-QuialaG., González RiveraD., Romero RomeroR., & Russo O. M. (2022). Forest fire: Humboldt National Park, role of highly combustible plants and fire propagators. Cub@: Medio Ambiente Y Desarrollo, 22(42). Retrieved from
Original Article


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