Environmental education and general training in communities of the southern Los Palacios wetland ecosystem

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Gloria Esther Álvarez Morales
Rodolfo Castro Álvarez
Daysi Sánchez Riesgo
Gigdys Castro Álvarez
Nelson Cuéllar Olivero


In the south of Los Palacios, they are combined with human settlements, the coast, lagoons, savannas, canals, plant and animal species that develop spontaneously, as well as the rice, livestock and forestry industries, among other crops. Ignorance, the importance of the ecosystem and vulnerabilities, lead to seek mechanisms for its protection. The objective of the work is to present the results achieved in environmental education for the general formation of the communities of the southern Los Palacios wetland ecosystem. Among the results achieved, the local knowledge of the values ​​and susceptibility of wetland ecosystems stands out, which allowed the realization of environmentally friendly practices, sustainable economic and social development, the incorporation of the local environmental date and the visibility of governmental and social settings within local priorities. In addition, the realization of various local activities with popular participation.

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How to Cite
Álvarez MoralesG. E., Castro ÁlvarezR., Sánchez RiesgoD., Castro ÁlvarezG., & Cuéllar OliveroN. (1). Environmental education and general training in communities of the southern Los Palacios wetland ecosystem. Cub@: Medio Ambiente Y Desarrollo, 21(41). Retrieved from https://cmad.ama.cu/index.php/cmad/article/view/307
Original Article


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