Teaching tasks aimed at caring for the environment, through environmental ephemeris

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Daysi Sánchez Riesgo
Gloria María Jaime Mirabal
Armando Gil Pérez
Héctor Caridad Robaina Gil
Rodolfo Castro Álvarez


The objective of the work is to propose a system of teaching tasks that contributes to caring for the environment, through environmental ephemeris in 5th grade students. It was carried out on a dialectical-materialist basis, methods of the theoretical, empirical and statistical-mathematical level were used. The most relevant results were synthesized in that the students demonstrate knowledge and attitudes regarding the care and protection of the environment, as well as an increase in motivation. What is new is the development of teaching tasks for the care and protection of the environment, through environmental ephemeris, using texts from the “Tocororo books”, "Propositions for reading from the school library", and the reading of the grade, as well as pictures, teaching aids and other didactic materials. The tasks go through the levels of performance, respond to the cognitive and attitudinal dimension, which are executed in the Spanish Language subject, whish favors an environmental awareness.

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How to Cite
Sánchez RiesgoD., Jaime MirabalG. M., Gil PérezA., Robaina GilH. C., & Castro ÁlvarezR. (2021). Teaching tasks aimed at caring for the environment, through environmental ephemeris. Cub@: Medio Ambiente Y Desarrollo, 21(41). Retrieved from https://cmad.ama.cu/index.php/cmad/article/view/304
Original Article


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