Pollinator and predator insects in the organoponic cultivation system "1ro de Julio", Havana, Cuba
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The present study shows the results obtained about the influence of management in an urban agroecosystem of Havana on pollinating and pest control insects. In order to determine the relevant groups of beneficial insects in the organoponic cultivation system, direct collects were made in plants with a W-transect design during the years 2018 and 2019, the collected species were identified and the richness, diversity and abundance of pollinating insects (Apidae, Halictidae and Syrphidae), as well as predators (Coccinellidae, Anthocoridae, Belostomatidae, Coridae, Miridae, Libellulidae and Aeolothripidae) were estimated. The results suggest that habitat management favors the presence of an equitable community of predators. The low presence of flowering plants reduced the richness and abundance of pollinators and their ecosystem services.
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