Community participation. Promoting change from environmental education

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Blanca Margarita Ungo Carrasco
Belkis Rojas Hernández


The present investigation fixed its investigative bases in the diagnosis of the environmental participation of the residents of the popular council Ceferino Fernández in Pinar del Río city. Identifying the main elements that characterize the popular council is about to generate new spaces participatory and to already strengthen those existent, from the environment of the formal and not formal Environmental Education, for the administration environmental local of that problem. The community social actors, perceive the problem as unaware to their punctual actions in the community. It is considered that the proposals and initiatives to favor the environmental participation you decisive restitution in the achievement of political public efficient that stimulate local actions where the population acts in a conscious way and the voluntary exchange is enhanced between public organizations and beneficiaries. We center ourselves in the results of this diagnosis to contemplate ways of community participation that starting from political public they foment the training for the participation environmental. The investigation was made to diagnose the understanding, generalization and regulation of how, why, where and for what reason to participate, in the search of an appropriate level of social mobilization from the environmental education. 

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How to Cite
Ungo CarrascoB. M., & Rojas HernándezB. (2020). Community participation. Promoting change from environmental education. Cub@: Medio Ambiente Y Desarrollo, 16(31). Retrieved from
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