Distribution of vanadium as tracer of the migration of oil and formation waters in coastal karst aquifers 3. Toxicity

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J.M. Marrrero Basulto
L.F. Molerio León
C.M. Aldana Vilas


Vanadium in concentrations higher than 0,1 mg/L is a contaminant with a toxic, mutagenic and genotoxic contaminant that has been associated with congenital diseases or cancerigenous in several oil fields of Argentina, Colombia, Ecuador, México and Venezuela. Additionally, as trace metal is a compound of oil and formation waters that has been used together with Nickel in the definition of the origin of certain oils, as an index of decontamination control or as atracer in the control of spills. In these series of three papers is described the occurrence and geochemistry of Vanadium, the processes controlling its migration in karst coastal aquifers where oil and gas exploration and production takes place and the results obtained when applied as a natural tracer in the identification of the contamination plumes due to oil and formation (produced) waters spills.

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How to Cite
Marrrero BasultoJ., Molerio LeónL., & Aldana VilasC. (2020). Distribution of vanadium as tracer of the migration of oil and formation waters in coastal karst aquifers 3. Toxicity. Cub@: Medio Ambiente Y Desarrollo, 16(31). Retrieved from https://cmad.ama.cu/index.php/cmad/article/view/228
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