The development of environmental education in the professional future of tourism

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Olga Lidia Ortiz Pérez
Lucelia Leyva Fernández


In spite of the big potentialities, attractive and tourist resources that presents the tourist pole of Holguín, the energetic and environmental community education, it is not at its full dimension. There are big reserves for its best use and for reaching the sustainable development, a great challenge and to the tourist sector, which justifies this investigation whose motivation is to spread the obtained experiences with the composition of different scientific student groups in the major of Tourism, integrated to the investigative line "natural patrimony" and of the project " step for the sustainable development of tourist organizations”. Are assumed the position of the authors through the practical assessment. Assume theoretical methodological positions refereed to the environment, the sustainable development and the environmental community education. It carries out a short characterization of the tourist destiny Holguín, the environmental diagnosis and the recommended actions derived of it to foster the environmental and energetic formation of the future professional of the sector, as well as the analysis of the obtained results in the investigation.

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How to Cite
Ortiz PérezO. L., & Leyva FernándezL. (2020). The development of environmental education in the professional future of tourism. Cub@: Medio Ambiente Y Desarrollo, 15(28). Retrieved from
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