The Environmental Education in the protected area National Park Viñales and their communities.

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Yuriennis Mesa
Yudalsis Córdova
Ricardo Fleitas


For the appropriate administration of a protected area the programs of information, education and environmental interpretation necessarily constitute a permanent tool, by means of which the relationships and the visitors' performances are clarified with the environment and in a special way, of the local inhabitants.  

The particularities of these relationships in the National Park Viñales differs according to the geographical location of the Communities, the resources and values that historically have used, the access facilities to the diverse areas, as well as for the influence of the existent economic and social institutions. In the face of these particularities, the challenge of the community of workers of the National Park Viñales has been, from its creation in the year 2001 until our present time, to implement a program of environmental Education with and for the communities inserted in the protected area that allows the conservation and protection of the environment and the improvement of the quality of life of these communities. 

In this task we have obtained very satisfactory results that go from the implementation of projects with international financing to the daily work with children and adults of the communities, in schools, work centers and families in general.

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How to Cite
MesaY., CórdovaY., & FleitasR. (2020). The Environmental Education in the protected area National Park Viñales and their communities. Cub@: Medio Ambiente Y Desarrollo, 14(27). Retrieved from
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