The use of familiar experiences as a pedagogical resource to favor the environmental education in primary teaching

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Juan Raciel Suárez Suárez
Beralia Suárez Torres
Yolexis Raciel Suárez Suárez


This investigation was done in the Primary School “José Coello Ortiz” in Urbano Noris Municipality, Holguin. This research used familiar story and experiences to help in the education of scholars and mainly to foster the environmental education.

For this purposes, a family of educators elaborated a set of texts that express their experiences in a direct contact with nature and a series of situations that require a certain behavior to protect the environment.

Taken their stories, the educators prepared different activities which were developed in class and contextualized to each subject in the school according to possibilities the teaching process offers.

The result of these activities demonstrated that is possible to influence favorably to achieve better result in the environmental education.

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How to Cite
Suárez SuárezJ. R., Suárez TorresB., & Suárez SuárezY. R. (2020). The use of familiar experiences as a pedagogical resource to favor the environmental education in primary teaching. Cub@: Medio Ambiente Y Desarrollo, 14(27). Retrieved from
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