Introduction of the environmental thematic in the computer class

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Bárbara Viñet Hernández
Roani Ladislá
Miranda Cuéllar
Miriam Pell del Rio


One of the most serious problems affecting the planet today is related to its constant degradation, which threatens the existence of present and future generations.
Cuban society is called to the formation of citizens able to achieve a positive role in their favor and that of its socio-natural environment, based on sound environmental, as well as principles and convictions, ensuring a balance relational factor in it.
In the field of education for both teachers methodological work developed from the search for alternatives that allow you to take actions to raise the awareness of students about the need to preserve the environment.

The work presented aims to make fundamental exercises that allow multimedia from the computer class, make an introduction to the environmental theme, in a way that encourages students to become interested in it and contribute to your education comprehensive general

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How to Cite
Viñet Hernández B., Ladislá R., CuéllarM., & Pell del Rio M. (2020). Introduction of the environmental thematic in the computer class. Cub@: Medio Ambiente Y Desarrollo, 12(22). Retrieved from
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