Self-assessment programs of skills and knowledge mobilization synergistic solution to the problems related to climate change, biodiversity and desertification and drought
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The present work reflects an institutional process begun in the country with the objective to detect synergistic action between the three conventions framework previously cited for the diagnosis of environmental problems and its treatment with joined way, beginning with the necessary capacities buildings in each place to obtain collective results qualitatively superior to the existing ones at the moment, with emphasis in the role of the environmental education in the preparation of the stakeholders and decision makers.
It is tried that the reader keep in touch with concepts not handled in the bibliography by the people who make the management environmental, and it has only arrived to the provincial structure of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment (CITMA) and one of the specialists who required this capacities, in opinion of the authors, are the municipal
specialist of the CITMA as the basic element of the environmental management from the restoration of the Environmental Formation Networks, contributing with interesting information developing synergistic capacities and would accompany the process joined with the local institutions with better knowledges.
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