Main nesting areas of the sea turtles in the Cuban archipelago.

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Félix Moncada Gavián
Gonzalo Nodarse Andreu
Julia Azanza Ricardo


Main sea turtles nesting areas in the Cuban archipelago as well as basic information on mean number of nests and/or ranges, estimated annually for each species, in the main keys or beaches of each area are presented. The information was obtained from monitoring and/or systematic surveys carried out for more than 10 years by Fisheries Research Center, Marine Research Center and National Enterprise for the Conservation of the Flora and the Fauna; which allowed to know the species nesting status in those areas. This knowledge is essential for the conservation and research on of these marine reptiles in Cuba.

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How to Cite
Moncada GaviánF., Nodarse AndreuG., & Azanza RicardoJ. (2020). Main nesting areas of the sea turtles in the Cuban archipelago. Cub@: Medio Ambiente Y Desarrollo, 11(20). Retrieved from
Original Article


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