Environmental education for sustainable development from the management, educational research and innovation in the training and performance of the business of education

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I. C. Santos Abreu
G. Villalón Legrá


Environmental Education for Sustainable Development (EApDS) is a pressing need for education of XXI century, placing the pursuit of multiple alternatives for the teaching-educational work will permit the incorporation of the environmental dimension, from this perspective the process of education of current and future generations, as well as professional training education. Therefore the Ministry of Education of Cuba has decided to develop a research program to branch to all types and levels of education, defining research priorities through projects for orders to all provinces, to help consolidate the model of Cuban school for all lessons and commitments of Cuba to the PLACEA and UNESCO to strengthen EApDS reorientation of the Cuban perspective which is coordinated from the Pedagogic University "Félix Varela" Villa Clara. With the same purpose in the Chair of the integration agreement "Andrés Bello", obtained in competition in 2006 by that college and extended until 2009, has established a network involving teachers from different universities in the country's educational which have generated spaces for debate and scientific production in this direction. The paper outlines the strategy followed and the main results

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Santos AbreuI. C., & Villalón LegráG. (2020). Environmental education for sustainable development from the management, educational research and innovation in the training and performance of the business of education. Cub@: Medio Ambiente Y Desarrollo, 9(17). Retrieved from https://cmad.ama.cu/index.php/cmad/article/view/134
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