The journal Cub@: Environment and Development is aimed at national and international scientists and technicians. The objective is to publish mono- and multidisciplinary studies of interest to any discipline related to the environment and development derived from environmental research and management. Receives original and unpublished contributions that have not been submitted simultaneously to review processes of other journals, in the scope of:

  • Studies on the natural and socioeconomic components of influence on environmental processes (climate, soil, vegetation, settlements, agriculture, among others)
  • Biological Diversity
  • Comprehensive environmental diagnostics
  • Evaluations on the potential and management of resources (marine, coastal, human, among others)
  • Problems of quality and environmental sanitation (overexploitation of the environment, pollution, desertification, unhealthiness, poverty)
  • Conservation and protection of the environment
  • Vulnerability and disaster risks
  • Environmental management
  • Environmental education
  • Environmental impact assessment
  • Environmental policy
  • Environmental planning and management
  • Protected areas
  • Environmental law
  • Clean technologies
  • Environmental legislation
  • Computer science and other technological applications for environmental analysis
  • Sustainable development strategies
  • Environment, development and integration