Pinar del Río City Environmental Quality

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Nancy Machín Rodríguez


The work has been directed to evaluate the environmental quality of the urban area in medium size cities, by means of the identification of a system of environmental indicators according to the statistical information established to local level and a geographical system of information. Through this way, the environmental units were defined in the territory, taking into account the different grade of deterioration, by means of a valuation of the efficiency and the use of geo ecological potential for the level of the human performances and their incidence in the environmental problems. The main degrading processes have been determined, which have allowed carrying out a classification in categories according to the grade of intensity, in stable, fairly stable, unstable, critical and very critical units.

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How to Cite
Machín RodríguezN. (2020). Pinar del Río City Environmental Quality. Cub@: Medio Ambiente Y Desarrollo, 6(10). Retrieved from
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