Methodology for the use of enviromental indicators in the evaluation of the quality of urban environment

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Nancy Machín Rodríguez
Ania Peralta Ferreiro


Each city has its own attributes and indicators for the evaluation of the environmental quality, but if we analyze them as a system, they will offer us a very promising group of positions about the sustainable administration of the urban environment. The present work is inserted in the projections of the Environmental and Territorial Strategy, with the purpose of adapting the great quantity of initiatives on environmental indicators and to achieve the maximum environmental harmony in the territory organization, with the tributary information of the designed pattern in the making decisions process.

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How to Cite
Machín RodríguezN., & Peralta FerreiroA. (2020). Methodology for the use of enviromental indicators in the evaluation of the quality of urban environment. Cub@: Medio Ambiente Y Desarrollo, 6(10). Retrieved from
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