Incorporing the paleoseismological and paleoflood speleological evidence to the safety of the water systems of Latin America and the Caribbean

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L.F. Molerio León


Two groups of events compromise the safety of the water works in Latin America and the Caribbean: the heavy rains and the onset of flash floods with the side effects of landslides, subsidence, and slope movements and those linked to the seismic and volcanic hazards. The improvement in the geologic and hydrologic design and operation of dams, channels, reservoirs is a necessity that should account for: a) the inclusion of the new data collected since the design and construction of the water works and b) the extension of the hydrologic and seismic data beyond the historic and instrumental data allowing the consideration of a changing climate in zones of low to medium seismicity.

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Molerio León L. (1). Incorporing the paleoseismological and paleoflood speleological evidence to the safety of the water systems of Latin America and the Caribbean. Cub@: Medio Ambiente Y Desarrollo, 20(38). Retrieved from
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