Dangerous wastes management in Cuba. Current situation and perspectivas

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Silvia Alvarez Rossell


Proper management of hazardous wastes has become a topic of high priority for all countries and especially for those developing in general, have no solid technical infrastructure, appropriate technologies and trained human resources to carry out this work without causing negative impacts on the environment. For these countries, this case represents a real challenge, requiring availability of financial resources to develop skills and acquire technology, which should be realized with the support of developed countries, but until now no longer a no commitments in practice effectively materialize. Collaboration and cooperation among developing countries is also a useful way that should be further enhanced. This work seeks to expose as Cuba has faced this challenge by presenting the actions taken, the difficulties encountered and future actions to be undertaken for hazardous waste management is not an environmental problem to solve.

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How to Cite
Alvarez RossellS. (2020). Dangerous wastes management in Cuba. Current situation and perspectivas. Cub@: Medio Ambiente Y Desarrollo, 5(9). Retrieved from https://cmad.ama.cu/index.php/cmad/article/view/81
Original Article


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