Preliminary Inventory of PCB and COPs in disuse. A first approach of the national problem

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Mario Abó Balanza


This paper presents the results achieved during the development of the first national inventory of PCBs and POPs pesticides in use, thus allowing a first approximation of the existing national problems and a useful information base for further development of management activities aimed safe handling of these stocks.


Nationally, 453 applications were identified containing PCBs, which is associated with a mass of fluid corresponding to 127.7 tonnes. However, 45 applications were also identified, of which are presumed to contain PCBs and which together have a mass of fluid associated to a total of 11.2 tonnes.


Of the total of identified applications, 136 were for transformers and capacitors 296 a, which represents a respective 30% and 65.3% of total applications in use, identified at the national level. They were also identified several contaminated sites, which are due to contamination of a local character that are associated with the occurrence of small fluid spill, caused by the deterioration of the base boards and walls of the processors.



 In relation to stocks of POPs pesticides, were identified 15 facilities, which possess a whole, 8.8 tons of pesticides, among which include DDT, heptachlor and toxaphene. Also identified were 32.2 tons of unidentified pesticides, which could increase the domestic availability of POP pesticides in use, before conducting a verification exercise, to consider the performance of procedures for sampling and analysis, aimed at identifying products involved.

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How to Cite
Abó BalanzaM. (2020). Preliminary Inventory of PCB and COPs in disuse. A first approach of the national problem. Cub@: Medio Ambiente Y Desarrollo, 5(9). Retrieved from
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