Study of agricultural biodiversity in mountainous agroecosystems of the Nipe-Sagua-Baracoa massif

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A. Meriño Mayné
M. Lafargue Savón


The work was carried out in different productive forms located in the Nipe-Sagua - Baracoa mountain range in a period between the months of January 2018 and July 2019 where the main objective was to study agricultural biodiversity in 41 agroecosystems where cocoa farmers are involved, agrosilvopastoral, coconut trees and coffee growers distributed in the communities of Las Municiones, Vega Grande, Raisú, La Cuabita, Majayara Quibijan, and La Perrera, both are distributed in two eastern Cuban provinces. Where the presence of 24 different species of crops distributed in the 41 agroecosystems under study was obtained, as well as the present availability of crops by agroecosystems and the usefulness of these crops for man and animals in each of the communities.

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How to Cite
Meriño Mayné A., & Lafargue SavónM. (1). Study of agricultural biodiversity in mountainous agroecosystems of the Nipe-Sagua-Baracoa massif. Cub@: Medio Ambiente Y Desarrollo, 20(38). Retrieved from
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