Introduction of the Cleaner Production concepts in the environmental regulatory activity

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Claribel González Roque


This paper makes an assessment of the implementation of CP concepts in management tools such as: the State Environmental Inspections and Environmental Impact Assessment. In this first stage of labor is a sample of records EIA and Environmental Licensing records, prioritizing production entities and services during the period 2002-2004, in the Territorial Delegations CITMA of Havana, C. Havana and the Center for Environmental Inspection and Control.


The research is based on analysis of the type of measures imposed in productive enterprises and evaluations of projects, where the process results in general were found to have worked on the design end of the tube ''that is'' so reactive, with the IAE an important tool for the introduction of corrective measures and the EIA process for the introduction of preventive measures, the production and service companies, achieving behaviors inhibit wasteful and polluting. The results help to develop ways of working for the improvement of environmental regulatory activity, the insertion of the concepts of PML.

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How to Cite
González RoqueC. (2020). Introduction of the Cleaner Production concepts in the environmental regulatory activity. Cub@: Medio Ambiente Y Desarrollo, 5(9). Retrieved from
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