Notes about threatened plants of the Rosidae Subclass in Camagüey province. Cuba

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Mayrene Guimarais Bermejo
Daimy Godínez Caraballo
Angela Beyra Matos
Everardo Pérez Carreras
Isidro E. Méndez


55 threatened plants (51.4 % of the total) identified for the province Camagüey, concerned to 31 genus and 9 families of the Rosidae Subclass was defined, according to the (IUCN, 1994); it represent the 51.4% of the all species It was identified the mains threatened, as well as, its localization at the province, only 60% of the taxa growth in sites included into National System of Protect Areas. Key words: threatened, plants, localization

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How to Cite
Guimarais BermejoM., Godínez CaraballoD., Beyra MatosA., Pérez CarrerasE., & MéndezI. E. (2004). Notes about threatened plants of the Rosidae Subclass in Camagüey province. Cuba. Cub@: Medio Ambiente Y Desarrollo, 4(6). Retrieved from
Original Article


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