Aptitude of some bambúes species for using in construction

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Katia Manzanares Ayala
Digna Velázquez Viera
Antonia Guyat Dupuy


The use possibilities of four bambúes species are evaluated in the production of ecolgical houses through the Test of Sandermann. The species were examined: Bambusa Roxb, Bambusa poliforma Munro, Bambusa bambuus (L.) Vass and Guadua angustifolia Kunt. It was informed that Guadua angustifolia reveals to be the species of more compatibility with the cement Pórtland, when presenting a very good Coefficient of Aptitude with the treated pulp and without trying; while Bambusa bambus showed the likeness but poor (19,8%).

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How to Cite
Manzanares AyalaK., Velázquez VieraD., & Guyat DupuyA. (2003). Aptitude of some bambúes species for using in construction. Cub@: Medio Ambiente Y Desarrollo, 4(6). Retrieved from https://cmad.ama.cu/index.php/cmad/article/view/53
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