Yield of Biomass for firewood of Piscidia piscipula (L.) Sargent in Niquero, Granma Province

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Leufrido Yero
Alicia Mercadet
Andrea Escalona
José L. Rodríguez
María A. Guyat


With the objective of determining the yield of biomass for the first time for firewood of Piscidia piscipula, It was carried out the valuation in a plantation in Niquero, Granma Province. The study was carried out in the town of Manzano, in a 9 year-old plantation and spacing of 3x 1.5m. The employed methodology was the established one by CATIE in 1984 Rresults indicate that the predominant diametric class is nine with media values of total height and normal diameter of 8.43 and 9.38 cm respectively, being the yield of firewood of 5.7 t/ha/año and total biomass of 7,8 t/ha/año, that represents an energy potential of 93,5 and 129,8 mj/ha/año respectively.

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How to Cite
Yero L., Mercadet A., Escalona A., Rodríguez J. L., & Guyat M. A. (2003). Yield of Biomass for firewood of Piscidia piscipula (L.) Sargent in Niquero, Granma Province. Cub@: Medio Ambiente Y Desarrollo, 3(5). Retrieved from https://cmad.ama.cu/index.php/cmad/article/view/49
Original Article


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