Economic criteria for the introduction of threatened species in hilly zones. A study case

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Abilio O”Farrill Colebrook O”Farrill Colebrook
Orlidia Hechavarría Kindelán
Alberto Vidal Corona


In the country, there are a considerable number of tree species evaluated as threatened species because of the few number of individuals that still exist. The forest law prohibits its cutting. Such species are not considered actractive from an enonomic point of view that's why they are not included by bussinessmen in the forestry development plans although sometimes they are very valuable. In this work, it is shown by means of an estatistical analysis (Cost · Profit), the economic advantages of developing such species, besides of being a practical example of a methodology that shows the economic effectiveness of the technolgies designed in the Forestry Research Institute.

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How to Cite
O”Farrill Colebrook A. O. C., Hechavarría KindelánO., & Vidal Corona A. (2003). Economic criteria for the introduction of threatened species in hilly zones. A study case. Cub@: Medio Ambiente Y Desarrollo, 3(5). Retrieved from
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