Environmental education for the management of solid waste in the 22 de noviembre Educational Unit of the Isidro Ayora cantón

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Karla Gabriela Cali Ligua
Rene Gras Rodríguez


The main objective of this article is to implement environmental education in the management of solid waste in the 22 de noviembre Educational Unit of the Isidro Ayora canton. The methods applied were historical-logical, qualitative, analytical and quantitative. Numerical data collection was used through a survey with a total of 12 questions applied to 60 students from the sixth year of basic secondary school at the 22 de November Educational Unit. The pre-evaluation was carried out to measure the level of knowledge of environmental education under two variables: solid waste management and knowledge of students about solid waste. Pearson's Chi-square analysis was significant at 0.027; SPSS statistics software was used. The results showed that 60% of those surveyed know the negative effects of poor waste management and in turn establishes that 78% of those surveyed do not have the practice of separating waste after the application of the didactic tools. A notable advance is shown in the students' knowledge of solid waste management; 85% of the students respond affirmatively, indicating fundamental knowledge in this area. All students are aware of the negative effects that poorly managed solid waste has on the environment, having a positive result from the application of environmental education in the educational unit.

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How to Cite
Cali Ligua K. G., & Gras Rodríguez R. (2025). Environmental education for the management of solid waste in the 22 de noviembre Educational Unit of the Isidro Ayora cantón. Cub@: Medio Ambiente Y Desarrollo, 25, https://cu-id.com/1961/v25e02. Retrieved from https://cmad.ama.cu/index.php/cmad/article/view/389
Original Article


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