Pilot plan to establish a circular economy and recycling strategy in the Tosagua Cnton

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Anamey Mendoza Mera
Angélica María Alcívar Mariño
María Eloísa Avellán Delgado


The main objective of this research was to analyze the implementation of the circular economy and its relationship with recycling in the Municipal Decentralized Autonomous Government of the canton of Tosagua. The research was based on a combination of methodologies, techniques and rigorous methods to collect and process information effectively. In addition, the activities corresponding to each research phase were carried out.  The first phase consisted of an exhaustive search for relevant bibliographic information to gain an in-depth understanding of the concepts of circular economy and recycling, as well as their application in similar contexts. In the second phase, two main instruments were used to obtain data: interviews with the canton's recyclers and the person in charge of the Environmental Management Department, and a survey of the canton's citizens. These instruments allowed for the collection of valuable information and were the main source of data. Ultimately, based on the data collected in the previous phases, a pilot plan was designed that establishes concrete strategies to implement the circular economy and recycling in the canton of Tosagua. In this context, it is concluded that the GAD of the Tosagua canton apply the designed pilot plan, since it establishes the necessary strategies to implement the circular economy and recycling in the canton, which will contribute to achieve the main objective of the research.

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How to Cite
Mendoza MeraA., Alcívar MariñoA. M., & Avellán DelgadoM. E. (2024). Pilot plan to establish a circular economy and recycling strategy in the Tosagua Cnton. Cub@: Medio Ambiente Y Desarrollo, 24, https://cu-id.com/1961/v24e17. Retrieved from https://cmad.ama.cu/index.php/cmad/article/view/380
Original Article


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